summer recipe

In an earlier post titled Currently, I wrote about craving tomato and cucumber salad. I wanted to recreate one of my favorite side dishes from one of my favorite restaurants.

to make this recipe you'll need:
1 or 2 large cucumbers
a batch of cherry tomatoes 
half of a red onion sliced
fresh basil leaves 
1/2 cup of feta cheese crumbles
red wine vinegar
olive oil
salt & pepper
garlic power (optional)

1. start by peeling and dicing the cucumber into quarters (see picture below) and halving the cherry tomatoes. Mix tomatoes, cucumber, and onion together
3. Add 3 tablespoons of red wine vinegar and 3 tablespoons of olive oil (note: i usually eyeball this step, i like to have a little extra of each.)
4. Add in feta and basil (I use mini basil leaves that I've grown in my garden, you may need to chop your leaves so they are bite sized)
5. Season with salt and pepper to taste, add garlic powder to taste if you want! 
6. enjoy this delicious summer recipe! 
::step 1::

::step 3::

::step 5::

This can be enjoyed at anytime of the day, on toast for breakfast or at dinner as a side item! 

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