

Reading: I am almost finished with The Martian. It has turned out to be one of my favorites of 2015, and I cannot wait for the movie to come out! 

Watching: Since all my tv shows are off for the summer I find myself watching Pride and Prejudice and You've Got Mail over and over again. I seriously cannot get enough of those amazing movies. 

Craving: I have been on a tomato and cucumber salad kick all summer. I love the freshness of the salad and you can eat it anytime of the day and it is delicious. 

Dreaming: Our one year anniversary is coming up in November and we are trying to figure out where to go that isn't going to break our bank but still be an exciting adventure! 

Loving: I am loving this summer. It has been filled with evening walks watching fireflies, spending hot days at the lake, eating fresh vegetables and fruit, and wearing easy summer clothes. 

Baker enjoys the lake too! 
Have a great and safe weekend! 

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