
::window in front of my desk::

Watching: I am re-watching Sex and the City series. I am in love with Carrie and Charlotte's styles. Although they are both completely different, I think my style is a little mix of both. 

Reading: I just started Denton Little's Deathdate. I am only on Chapter 3, but so far so good! 

Planning: We have two big trips coming up. One is in two weeks and another is in November, (Our anniversary) so there is a lot of saving and planning going on! 

Doing: Taylor and I both just bought Fitbits. We have a bet going that whoever has the least amount of steps by the end of the day has to do this dishes. So far I am 0-1! I am determined to get him to do the dishes! 

Loving: The summer showers, walks in the cool evenings, and taking Baker swimming. 

Have a great weekend! 


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