Holy Week Comes to an END

I've cherished reading the chronicles of Holy Week this week through She Reads Truth. They have written on every post "Take this week slowly and reverently. It is a somber time, but let us never forget: Sunday is coming." And it is so true. 
I have tried to really take in this week and the raw truths. But my heart wants to turn away. To read and digest what Jesus went through that week and hours before he gave his life for me makes my stomach flip. I know there is joy coming on Sunday but the days before make me want to hide in my bed and skip over the weekend.
 I cannot imagine being a disciple and watching the perfect teacher willingly go through with this plan. But not only do they watch, they turn their backs on him. They spit, throw stones, mock, and put the nails in the cross. 
What a mournful week it has been, I am thankful that I have had to face it and prayerfully take it in every day. Jesus prayed a prayer of lament yesterday in the garden of Gethsemane to his Father and ended it with "My Father, if this cannot pass unless I drink it, your will be done." Matthew 26:42. He knew then that this is where he would wait for God's plan to be executed. 
People, don't take this lightly, this story is exactly why you and I can have eternal life. 
Give praise to the one who died and rose again!
He is alive! 

*photo from SheReadsTruth.com

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