new goals

2015 Goals:
1. Disney Vacation. I realize this may sound a bit childish, but if you've been as an adult you get the point. Disneyworld is my favorite place on earth.
2. Second honeymoon to Excellence resort.  Our honeymoon, though amazing, wasn't the best it could be. Our initial flight was delayed 6 hours, it rained the last two days, and Taylor was sick in bed all day the very last day. Next time we will book with a different company and have a prescription of Zofran on hand.
3. Pay off my credit card. Okay, this one should be easy right? Well it will be now, now that I cut up my credit card. It was extremely hard to pay it off when I was planning a wedding. I mean hello, I needed those Monogrammed beverage napkins with our hashtag on them.
4. Breast enhancement. this is more of a pending goal.
5. Savings. My husband is amazing at savings, I however, am not. I would like to have a savings that could last me 3 months if need be. A savings that is separate from my emergency fund!

I find it completely hilarious considering what my goals were at the beginning of 2015, mentioned above.  Although 3 of the 5 were completed, numbers 2 and 4 were not. And I think I'll survive knowing that they probably wont be fulfilled this year or the next for that matter. 

We did go to Disney World, we did pay off my credit card, and we did build up our savings. So I'd say my goals went pretty well over the 2015 year.

So on to better and newer...
2016 Goals:
1. 2nd Childrens Heart Project trip or any mission trip: I was so humbled this year to be able to go and bring back a child for surgery. I loved every minute of it and hope I have the chance to do it again. I'd love to go with Taylor on a mission trip too.
2. Double our savings: We've done really well since being married on our savings. Having a joint bank account helps! I am hoping that we can double our savings this year but going back to school may not help that goal.
3. Double my blog posts from last year: I have made a whopping 70-something posts this year and I feel like I can work harder and get double that next year. It's all about commitment and perseverance. The whole reason I started blogging was to expand my creativity and to learn more about myself, I believe I've come a long way since last January.
4. Go somewhere we have never been: This one is a no brainer. We need to explore as a couple before a baby comes along. eek!
5: Make all A's in Graduate School: annnddd last but not least, I will be going back to Nurse Practitioner school this year and making good grades is very important to me. 

Happy New Year!!
Here's to 2016, bringing in the new year as a family!

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