tea guide

This past year I have really tried to drink more tea instead of coffee. It is a great way to stay hydrated and helps out when you sometimes get bored of water. These are a few of my favorites right now.

Twinings Pure Camomile - I bought this stuff particularly to use during a certain time of the month. Camomile has great anti inflammatory properties that help with stomach cramps. I also drink it at night before bed to help relax. 
Tazo Awake English Breakfast  - I use this in replace of coffee or to replace my usual "second cup of coffee" in the mornings. It does have caffeine so I think it does the trick in the mornings. 
Allegro Feel Flawless - This tea just tastes amazing. It also helps specifically replenish your skin when drinking regularly. I do notice a difference in my skin when I drink tea and water more than when I drink coffee.  
Allegro Pomegranate Green Tea - Green tea is so beneficial when you drink it regularly. It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients your body craves. This green tea has hints of pomegranate and raspberry that adds the perfect sweetness to your sipping. I drink this usually mid-day when I need a pick me up! 
Yogi Honey Lavender Stress Relief - The title of this tea says it all, I drink this tea before bed after a long day in the ICU. Lavender itself helps calm your senses and mind. It's a delicious tea. 
Trader Joes Vanilla and Cinnamon Black Tea - This stuff is a special treat that I buy myself only in the winter. It has such a delicious smell as soon as you open the box. I love to add cream to this tea. It makes for the best morning cup of coziness. 

happy hump day! 

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