
-my husband is currently going crazy over anything Star Wars-

Watching: I am currently rewatching the seasons of the office on Netflix. The comedic timing on this show surpasses all. I have literally sat on my couch for hours watching it. 

Eating: I just ordered the whole30 book off Amazon. Taylor's birthday is on the 17th so I think we may pick a day to start after that. This should be interesting. 

Feeling: Cold! The weather has finally turned here in Alabama it gets to a smoldering 40 something degrees every day! I can finally break out my cute sweaters and scarves! 

Planning: Like I mentioned above, Taylor's birthday is in two weeks! I've got a good surprise planned for him, but he is the type of person that always wants to guess and I am the type of person that has a terrible poker face. must... stay.. strong... 

Loving: The new year! Although 2015 was really good to me and I was sad to see it go, I am looking forward to all the new challenges 2016 will bring! Starting graduate school being one of them!

Have a great weekend! 

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