Easy Delicious Frittata

During the Whole30 I've had to get creative with our food. 
I brought this frittata to work one day and I had 3 people text me later wanting the recipe. It's so good and so easy to make! 

So here's my version of this awesome frittata:

6-8 eggs whisked
handful of baby spinach
half of a green bell pepper
half of an onion
1 cup of tomatoes
half of a lemon (grated and juice)
and sausage/bacon/ham (whatever meat you have, cooked beforehand)

So you can substitute whatever veggies you have on hand, I think this would really be good with some chopped asparagus and sun dried tomatoes. 

First chop up the veggies to bite sized. 

Then saute them in a non-stick oven proof skillet with a dash of salt and pepper until they are soft. 

While they are softening, whisk together the eggs. I used 7 for this recipe

Add the spinach and whatever cooked meat you have and mix slightly

Fold in the eggs, do not continue to mix after eggs are in.

While waiting for the sides to set, grate half a lemon over the frittata and then squeeze the juice over as well

Once the sides start setting, pop in the oven for 5-10 minutes (mine only took 5 min, depends on how long you leave on the stove)

and then you have a delicious frittata to enjoy the rest of the week! 

Hope this recipes makes you as happy as it does me! 

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