Whole30 - Day 30

I cannot even begin to tell you how ready I am for the whole30 to be over! And today is our LAST DAY!

Isn't that such a nice way to start a post? Valentines day was the hardest for sure. We want chocolate so bad, so bad. 

Things I can appreciate about the Whole30:
the healthy part of it: I know what I am putting into my body has not been processed at all and that is pretty amazing. I love that I know I am eating completely fresh. 
the sleep: I am getting much better quality of sleep, I can really tell a difference.
the energy: I have a lot more energy. I am not having afternoon slumps.
the food: it's actually pretty good food that I am making and everything taste great! 
meal prepping: i can actually appreciate this part of the whole30, like i've mentioned before I love to cook and having meals made ahead for the week has helped out with this process a ton. 

things i'll be glad to be rid of:
dishes: there are always dishes to be done. thankfully Taylor helps out a ton with this! 
staying in: since there aren't a ton of whole30 friendly restaurants in the south, we have literally ate in for 25 days now. We are dying to go out and have a meal and some wine.
sugar: i want a cookie!  
Did I mention dishes?

We are going to a place called Flip Burger tonight to feast! They ask you to do a reintroduction phase but we aren't because food.


lent study guide

Valentine's Day is over, Easter is right around the corner, and Lent has already started! 

I am so enjoying getting up early in the mornings and going to She Reads Truth to do my daily bible study on lent. Right now they are going through the Lent 2016 series and it is great! 
I bought one of their art prints that I mentioned here
If you are interested in doing a bible study this Lent season this is a great one! 

*images taken from She Reads Truth

Classic Denim on Denim

I cannot help but love this classic look. It's so comfy casual. 
I bought the fringe necklace at H&M years ago in Atlanta, it was the last one they had and I had to get it off the mannikin. I wear it all.the.time. 
I recently bought the shirt last year from J. Crew, I'm obsessed with henleys and it's chambray! 
I've also worn these boots out, but once again they are my go-to's for a comfy boho look. 
I love how easy this look is and also easy to throw together too. 

Chambray Shirt (similar)// Skinny Jeans// Boots (similar)// Necklace (similar)

Fringe Pull Over

Today is Friday! Valentines weekend!!
Who is feeling romantic?!  Whether you're alone or with someone make sure you treat yourself this weekend! Give yourself and hug and tell yourself that you love you! 
Since we are a little over mid-way through our Whole30 we will probably stay in a watch a classic rom-com movie on Valentine's Day. 

Okay so this fringe pull over is in rotation a lot lately. This is the perfect weekend outfit for hanging out around the house or going out around town shopping. I love the tassels and the easy look to the shirt. It is so soft too! 

Have a "love-ly" weekend! 



Eating: Whole30 diet! We are now on day 19 of the Whole30 and I am actually starting to enjoy myself a little more. I can tell I have more energy and my skin is clearer. 
Reading: I just ordered The Good Girl, I've heard a lot of great reviews and can't wait to start this book. Also, I am literally living by this book right now. About 90% of things we've eaten have come out of this book. 
Watching: So don't tell anyone but I am dying to see who Ben ends up with on the Bachelor. I thought I wouldn't like this kinda stuff but I can't fight the fact that I am A) a girl and B) a romantic. Plus the girls always have pretty outfits on. 
Loving: I am loving February right now, maybe it's the Whole30 but I feel so great. I am anticipating spring and all the colors it's going to bring!


Dreaming of Spring

When I put this skirt on I feel so so girly! I just love it.
 I cannot wait to wear this skirt over and over again this spring. It can be dressed up or down!
 One of the best things about it is that it has pockets! Gotta love a good skirt with pockets. The top I received in a Stitch Fix, I get them about once every three months. 
The shoes I am wearing are very old Marc Jacobs, but so precious I can never part with them. 
I bought them in High School if that gives you any idea, and back then they were the most prized thing I owned. So they've been with me for years and I continue to love them! 

Green Midi Skirt // Shoes(old) Similar // Top (Stitch Fix) Similar// Kendra Scott Earrings// 
Necklace (old) Similar and Similar


Valentine's Day Outfit

Valentine's Day is literally right around the corner! 
I love the rose shift dress for so many reasons, it can be worn in the summer or in the winter with tights, and almost any color of shoe will match it. I actually have a wedding shower to attend on Valentine's day so this outfit is probably what I will be wearing, since Taylor and I will be eating at home and not eating chocolate because it will be during our Whole30. 
Don't worry, I'm planning on stocking up on the the discounted chocolate boxes the day after Valentine's day. 


The Birds and the Beads Dress

This is by far my new favorite cocktail dress! 
I bought it at Anthropologie on major sale during December. I cannot wait to wear this to an evening wedding or on a date with Taylor. I don't think it needs much jewelry because the beads and embroidery speak for itself. There are lots of colors in it too so any color shoes would work. I paired it with these bold cobalt blue heels. 
It's such a fun dress to wear! 

Novelette Dress (sold out) I also like this one and this one // Jessica Simpson Pumps

Lilla P Spring New Arrivals
Door to Door Organics
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