//a few Whole30 compliant meals//
I was inspired recently to make some healthier decisions on food and decided to enlist Taylor and I in the Whole30 challenge.
So I am going to get straight to the point and dissect our week thus far.
things I am enjoying:
Thankfully I really enjoy being in the kitchen. I love to cook and try new things so that part is not so bad, because you are spending literally half your day prepping for the next meal.
Clean eating. I love that I know everything I am eating is clean and fresh and has not been processed. That itself puts you in a great mood.
Not being hungry. The point is to eat large meals so they last you to the next one. I am not feeling hungry but I am having to stop myself from snacking just because I am bored.
That's one of the great things about Whole30 is that it helps you break those bad food habits.
things I am not enjoying/missing:
Dishes. Like many others have said before me, there are lots of dishes. This isn't so bad because Taylor and I usually tag team these.
Dairy. I need cheese and milk in my life. Always. Love Jessica.
Going to social events is a little difficult when everyone around you is just like "oh here I am eating cake and ice cream and it's sooo good." and you're all like, "BUT IM FINE WITH MY APPLE. REALLY!"
Did I mention we are only on day 6?