gifts for a cause

This year I am pledging to buy majority of my gifts locally or for a cause. Over the years I've found some great items where the profits go towards something or someone with a need. Here are some amazing organizations that will be getting my money this Christmas:

These people I can totally get behind! They give jobs to women in the most vulnerable communities. They cherish children, empower women, and give people jobs! 
Here are a few pieces that I will be buying for my family and friends! 
Click here to shop

This company gives jobs to women who were once slaves for sex trafficking. This company gives them means to live, hope, and freedom.
Their Punjammies in particular are made by women in India hoping to gain a new life for themselves. 
I'll take one of each thanks! These will be great for my mother-in-law and sister-in-law! 

Another organization that is helping women who are tied to sex trafficking or have escaped. Their cards are changing the world! I plan on picking some of these up and putting gift cards in them! 
Aren't these just adorable! I know I'd be touched to get one. 

I love the idea that my money is going to a cause and I am helping someone by giving them a means to live. I know these gifts will be more meaningful to my family this Christmas. 

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