easy on the madness

Don't over do it this Christmas!
 It is so easy to get caught up in the madness that is Christmas. 
I know that it is only one month and you HAVE to go see Christmas lights, drink hot chocolate, shop for the perfect present, get and ugly sweater, sing Christmas carols, watch all your favorite Christmas movies, and go over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house. 
That can make you feel like a grinch. 

Take it easy.

Here are a few ways I like to sit back, relax, and just watch the lights on my tree twinkle. 

1. Drinking warm lemon water and reading a good book, I'm working on Why Not Me?
2. A hot bubble bath with candle everywhere! 
3. Take Baker for a walk and looking at all the Christmas decorations around my community 
4. Read my Bible, specifically the book of Luke. 
5. Count my blessings. 
Seriously, I look around at what all I have to be thankful for 
and I thank God for it. 

These are just a few ways I relax and recollect during the Holidays.


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