Around the House

-the cutest bridesmaid package from my SIL who is getting married next year!-

-this book from my giveaway last week!_

-I may have gotten a little crazy at HomeGoods with the fall candles, that middle one can be used as a mug once the candle is finished!-

-wishing for fall-

-ready to transition to fall with all my new kicks, here, here, & here-

-these OTK boots are so comfy and they have a lot of lining so I know they are going to be warm!-

-wild flowers from the farmers market- 

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Can you believe football starts this week?! Taylor and I are so ready to cheer on Alabama! We will be heading up to Huntsville this weekend to watch the game with his parents, it's kindof a tradition we've started over the years. 
I also started school back today so prayers are appreciated! I am praying for a great semester just like this summer! 

Happy Monday! 

1 comment

  1. This is really cute stuff, Jessica! Makes me want to shop :)


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