I am in week 5 of graduate school and I can tell.
Things other than school are starting to get a little neglected... coughblogcough.
I know school is important and mostly the top priority, but so is my blog. I started this blog committed to post often and I am going to continue to do so.
Just know that if you are juggling 12 things at once but sometimes forget to vacuum or maybe even forget to feed your dog, that it's gonna be okay.
You don't have to have it all together all the time.
But hopefully you eventually remembered to feed the dog, or have an awesome husband that remembers for you.
Okay, so this top I received from my Le Tote. It is Cupcakes and Cashmere brand (go check out her blog too) and I have recently fallen in love with her and her clothing line. She has the most precious and cute items! New fave brand!
If you still haven't heard or tried out Le tote I suggest you try it!
Click here to get $25 off your first tote!
Happy Tuesday!
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