Barre So Hard + GIVEAWAY!

I've found my most favorite workout ever. Barre. 
This has been the first workout regimen that I have actually seen results in my body. It's a low impact workout that tones each muscle in the body by basically using isometric holds. 
One of the only things it has in common with ballet is the actual barre, so don't think we are doing spins or anything. These classes are HARD. 
I am a full believer in the barre classes. 
Of course I was super scared at first and had no idea what I was doing, but after about 2-3 classes I got the hang of it and started feeling the burn. 
If you have ever been interested in trying one I fully suggest you try! No one is going to be looking at you because they will be too busy worrying about their own form. It's a non judgement zone! 

The top I'm wearing above I found searching through Etsy and landed upon the shop Wicked Custom Apparel. They have so many awesome shirt and tanks like this one. I'm happy to say I've partnered with them to giveaway a Barre so Hard top just like the one I'm wearing above! 
Just fill out the survey below (or click here), leave a comment that you entered, and good luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway will end 4/17/16 and winner will be notified the next day! 
*Thank you Wicked Custom Apparel for allowing me to host this giveaway. All opinions are my own. Giveaway Tank is a size small. 


  1. i need to come try this! low impact anything right up my alley. where do you take your barre classes?


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