
::one of my cousins photos from the post mentioned earlier this week, for more info go here::

Listening: I've downloaded a 'learn spanish' book on audible for my upcoming trip with the Childrens Heart Project. I want to be able to at least say a couple of sentences once I get there so I don't look like a total idiot.
Eating: It's officially crockpot season! I love this girls blog, Budget Bytes, and her Beef Stew recipes are out of this world! 
Shopping: Still trying to get ahead of my Christmas shopping! I've gotten three people done so far, I'd say thats a win. 
Drinking: I found this coffee at a HomeGoods store and thought, what the heck, I'll give it a try. Ya'll... this stuff is so amazing, perfect intro to the fall if you want a break from the PSL. Taylor and I can't get enough of it, we even went back yesterday to buy more flavors! 
Loving: I am taking a trip to Bolivia in three weeks and I am loving every moment of getting my heart right for this trip. I can feel God working in my heart and challenging me to put all my trust in him.

Have a great weekend! 

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