
::this time last year I was in full wedding mode, this was taken on my Bachelorette trip during October to the mountains for a weekend get-away::

Reading: Ready Player One. I am currently nerding out with this book. It is based in 2044 where the whole world lives in a virtual reality world called the Oasis to get away from what the real world has become... nothing. It is a fantastic book full of 80's video games and movies and lots of sci-fi action. If this kind of stuff makes you excited you should def try this book. 
Working: I am currently working fiercely on my application for graduate school. Yep, nurse practitioner here I come! 
Buying: I just bought this Kate Spade Crossbody as a birthday present from me. Its on sale for half off! Happy Birthday to me! 
Loving: FALL! Fall brings so many promises! football, holidays, birthdays, and anniversarys just to name a few! I am so looking forward to all the parties! 

Have a great weekend!

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