Our honeymoon at the Excellence Resort

After our gorgeous wedding in Alabama we ventured to Cancun, Mexico for our honeymoon. We stayed at the Playa Mujeres Excellence Resort. It was perfect.
The resort has so many different restaurants and a huge spa. We ate delicious food and had an amazing 3 hour spa experience. 

 Our door when we arrived.

This picture was taken on our balcony with our Go Pro.

Breakfast on the beach. 

On our way to our massage we made a friend.

The entrance to the spa had huge canvas curtains that blew in the wind, it was so serene. 

My "honeymoon" dress. 

Beautiful beach view. 

Dinner at the Flavor Market, our favorite place to eat. 

One morning we ordered breakfast in bed. 

Our last night! 

We cannot wait to go back to this amazing resort. 

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