peace + calm + disconnect

Taylor and I recently made big boy purchases and bought new chairs from West Elm, but not just any new chairs, recliners.  We love them. Now, on any given night you can find us laid up in our recliners with white russians or bourbon in hand watching a favorite movie or reading a book. 
Luckily Baker hasn't figured out how comfortable they are and still refers to the couch for her afternoon nap.

This time of year is a lot of people's favorite time of the year, something about cuddling up on the couch brings that homey feeling of nostalgia. We are lucky that Alabama actually has weather that can allow us to do that sort of thing. For the most part.
It was a cool 70 degrees here on Christmas. Taylor wore chacos and I wore short sleeves.
We still had so much fun with family, the typical dirty santa arguments, long hugs hello and longer hugs goodbye.

I was sad to see 2015 go because it was such a great year. This time I am so ready for what 2017 will bring. 2016 was a weird year, I never fell into a routine. Things were changing and just weird.
In 2017 I'm going to have peace, calm, and disconnect.
I took a month long break from the blog in December and it was so nice to not have any deadlines. It allowed me to rethink the blog and what I want it to look like in 2017.
Here's to looking forward. 

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